The AWS IoT integration for The Things Stack reports device metrics to the shadow state. This is useful to retrieve information about the session and radio-frequency performance.
In the AWS Console, open Services and go to IoT Core.
In the menu on the left, open Manage, go to Things and click the thing of interest.
Click the Device Shadows tab and go to lorawan. This opens the LoRaWAN® shadow state that is maintained by The Things Stack.

The shadow state contains the following fields:
"reported": {
// Timestamp when the device was last seen (activation or uplink)
"lastSeen": "2020-08-05T13:03:22.064376156Z",
// Number of gateways that cover the device
"gateways": 1,
// Uplink frame counter of the session
"fCntUp": 3,
// Downlink frame counter of the session (only when using end-to-end encryption)
"fCntDown": 0,
// LoRaWAN DevAddr (hex)
"devAddr": "270000B0",
// Unique session ID
"sessionID": "AXVvI/CZfJfog5g2zvVKfw==",
// Best RSSI (received signal strength indicator) of the last uplink message
"rssi": -38,
// Best SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) of the last uplink message
"snr": 9,
// Timestamp when the device joined the network
"activated": "2020-08-05T13:01:57.252799045Z"