This section contains instructions for connecting the Multitech Conduit AEP to The Things Stack using LoRa Basics™ Station.
- Multitech Conduit AEP gateway running mPower 5.3.0 firmware or later.
- Hardware required: MTCDT with
LoRa Basics™ Station is not supported on Multitech Conduit gateways with MTAC-LORA-1.0 USB cards. Please follow instructions for connecting with the Semtech UDP Packet ForwarderTo set up LoRa packet forwarding on the gateway, follow these steps.
Click the LoRaWAN tab in the left menu.
Choose Basic Station in the LoRa Mode dropdown.

On Multitech gateways, only CUPS or LNS can be configured. Configuring CUPS will automatically configure LNS, so to use The Things Stack, just follow the instructions for Connecting CUPS.
Be sure to select CUPS in the Credentials dropdown.
The entire configuration should look like:
- Credentials: CUPS
- URI: See Server Addresses
- Station Config: Leave it as-is (will be overwritten by CUPS)
- Server Cert: Use the ISRG Root X1 Certificate
- Gateway Cert: Leave blank
- Gateway Key: Create a CUPS API key. Copy the API key and paste it to this field in the following format:
Authorization: Bearer <cups-api-key>
. Be sure you have also configured CUPS to transmit an LNS API Key.

After entering the CUPS configuration, click the Submit button, and then click Save and Apply. The gateway will apply the changes.

If your configuration was successful, your gateway will connect to The Things Stack after a couple of seconds.