This section explains how alert notification receivers and profiles work in The Things Stack.
Alert notifications are dispatched by The Things Stack using alert notification receivers and alert notification profiles. The receivers and profiles can be managed only by The Things Stack network admins, but individual users with access to entities can choose which profile should be used to dispatch alert notifications.
Alert Notification Receivers
Alert notification receivers represent endpoints to which The Things Stack sends alert notifications. An endpoint in this case can be an email address, a phone number or an URL. The receivers can be managed via the Console, using the Alerting settings section of the Admin Panel.
By clicking on Add an alert receiver one can create a new alert notification receiver. Fill in the details and click on Save changes in order to save your newly created receiver.

Alert Notification Profiles
Once the alert notifications receivers are setup, we can create alert notification profiles. Alert notification profiles are bundles of alert notification receivers which can be attached to entities in order to dispatch alert notifications to multiple endpoints. It is also possible to set a default alert notification profile which is used for entities without an explicit profile set.
The profiles can be managed also via the Console, by switching to the the Alert Profiles tab in the Alerting settings section of the Admin Panel.
By clicking on Add an alert profile one can create a new alert notification profile. Fill in the details and click on Save changes in order to save your newly created profile. It is also possible to mark this profile as the default profile in this page.