The Things Stack Console is the management application of The Things Stack for LoRaWAN. It is a web application which can be used to register applications, end devices or gateways, monitor network traffic, or configure network related options, among other things.

The Things Stack Cloud
If you are using The Things Stack Cloud, you can generate a direct link to the Console by entering your tenant ID choosing the required cluster.
Copy the link below and paste it in a browser window.
See Cloud Addresses for more information about cluster addresses.
The Things Stack Sandbox
If you are using The Things Stack Sandbox, the Console is available at
Visit the addresses page for The Things Stack Sandbox for more information.
The Things Stack Enterprise and Open Source
If you are hosting your own deployment, the Console is available at the address you host The Things Stack at.
See Server Addresses to learn more.
Once you have access to the Console, proceed to Login.