Support added for newer frequency plans
The Things Stack now supports RP2 1.0.3 LoRaWAN® regional parameter, which includes support for all versions of the LoRaWAN Layer 2 specification. This adds support to newer frequency plans, such as Israel and Vietnam.
New integrations added
Version 3.18 has two new integrations added: IoT Wonderland, a tracking platform that allows seeing and visualizing location data of your devices; and Tellsens, a monitoring platform of vibration of sensor components. Learn how to add an integration in our documentation.
Gateway statistics added
Gateway connection statistics now have a time to live attached to them in order to avoid leaking them during crashes.
Downlink and uplink improvements
Downlink task performance in multicast environments (groups with shared session keys) has been improved.
The Things Stack now supports LR-FHSS uplink rates, increasing network capacity and new deployment opportunities.
Dwell time improvements
Dwell time configuration in bands such as AS923 is now more conservative in order to ensure downlinks are not rejected by end devices.
Minimum required Redis version
In order to continue your operations without faults, The Things Stack now requires a Redis version 6.2 or newer.
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The Things Industries, 3/2/2025
The Things Industries, 28/1/2025
The Things Industries, 20/1/2025