This section contains detailed information to help you setup The Things Stack on the AWS Marketplace.

AWS Deployment Architecture
The following image describes the architecture of the components that are deployed while using the default parameters.
The public subnet is not fixed in to an Availability Zone (AZ) and hence is part of the default AZ of the VPC.Preparation
This section lists the preparatory steps necessary to successfully complete this guide.
Specialized Knowledge
In order to follow this guide to deploy The Things Stack, it is recommended to be familiar with the following concepts:
- AWS EC2, AWS CloudFormation
- Shell and command line usage
- Basics of LoRaWAN® devices and gateways
The following are necessary to complete this guide:
- An account with AWS with access to the AWS Marketplace. If you don’t have one, create it by using the Create an AWS account page.
- An RSA Public-Private Key pair
- Sufficient rights on your account to create IAM roles
- A LoRaWAN® compliant Gateway
- A LoRaWAN compliant End Device
- Access to a name server for DNS mapping
- (Optional) An AWS Secret containing TLS certificate data, if a custom TLS certificate is needed
Deployment using AWS Cloud Formation
Step 1: Prepare the Deployment
- Login to your AWS Marketplace and navigate to the product page for The Things Stack for LoRaWAN.
- Choose the correct AWS Region in which to deploy your stack. Also choose the Software Pricing Tier that suits your needs.
- Make sure to read the terms of usage and other information available.
- If applicable, request a service limit increase for additional VPCs and/or Elastic IPs.
- Click Continue to Subscribe and accept the terms and conditions once they are found satisfactory.
- Now click Continue to Configuration to configure your deployment.
Step 2: Configure the Deployment
The Continue to Configuration button will redirect you to the AWS CloudFormation page where the CloudFormation template is pre-loaded. This template allows the user to customize the deployment. The following is a list of the supported parameters that are available to the user.
Basic Configuration
Parameter | Description | Default |
EC2 Instance Name | Name of the EC2 instance. | the-things-enterprise-stack |
Domain | Domain name. You should be able to configure DNS for the domain. TLS certificates from Let’s Encrypt will automatically be requested. | - |
Network Title* | The title of your deployment. | The Things Stack Enterprise for LoRaWAN |
CIDR block | CIDR block used by the VPC. | |
* Optional field
Security Configuration
Parameter | Description | Default |
Admin Username | Name of the admin user. | admin |
Admin Email | Email address of the admin user. | |
Initial Admin Password | Initial admin password. Please choose a strong password. It is recommended to change this password upon first login. | - |
Amazon RDS Database Username | Username of the relational database. | postgres |
Amazon RDS Database Password | Password for the relational database. This password is used to access the Amazon RDS database. | - |
SSH Key | Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to your instance. | - |
SendGrid API Key* | API key for SendGrid to send emails. | - |
Amazon ElastiCache KMS Key ID* | Key used for Redis at-rest encryption. Leave empty to disable encryption. (Warning) A change to this field requires manual migration of the database. | - |
Amazon ElastiCache Password* | Password used to access Redis. Leave empty to disable TLS connection. (Warning) A change to this field requires manual migration of the database. | - |
TLS Certificate* | TLS certificate to use. If left empty, TLS certificates from Let’s Encrypt will automatically be requested. | - |
TLS Certificate Key* | TLS certificate key to use. If left empty, TLS certificates from Let’s Encrypt will automatically be requested. | - |
TLS Certificate CA* | TLS certificate CA to use. If left empty, TLS certificates from Let’s Encrypt will automatically be requested. | - |
ARN of an AWS Secret containing the TLS certificate data* | TLS certificate data specified as an AWS secret. If this secret is specified, TLSCertificate, TLSCertificateCA and TLSCertificateKey values will be ignored. The AWS secret must have 3 key/value pairs with the key names: cert, key, ca. | - |
* Optional field
External Connectivity
Parameter | Description |
Restrict SSH Access to IP Range | The source IP address range that can be used to connect via SSH to the EC2 instances. Use for global SSH access. |
Restrict Service Access to IP Range | The source IP address range that can be used to connect to the deployed services. Use for global access. |
User Registration
All of the fields below are optional.Parameter | Description | Default |
Require Admin Approval | If set to true, administrator approval is needed for creating new accounts. | false |
Require Email Validation | If set to true, validation of contact information is necessary to create new accounts. | false |
Require User Invites | If set to true, email invites are necessary to create new accounts. | false |
Minimum Length | Minimum length for user passwords. | 8 |
Minimum Number of Digits | Minimum number of digits for user passwords. | 1 |
Minimum Number of Special Characters | Minimum number of special characters for user passwords. | 0 |
Minimum Number of Uppercase Letters | Minimum number of uppercase letters for user passwords. | 1 |
Resource Settings
The fields in this section are for advanced users. A change to some of these parameters might incur additional costs.Note:
In order to provide failover, we recommend enabling Multi-AZ for Amazon RDS and Redis.Parameter | Description | Default |
EC2 Instance Type | EC2 Instance Type. | t3.small |
Redis Backup Retention Period* | The retention period for daily Redis backups (days). | 7 |
Redis Instance Type | The size of machine for the Redis instance. | cache.t2.small |
Enable Multi-AZ for Redis | If true, replicas of Redis are created. If true, RedisNumCacheClusters property must be greater than 1. | false |
Number of Redis Multi-AZ Instances | The number of replicas for this replication group. If RedisMultiAZSupport is true, this value must be greater than 1. Note that this multiplies the Amazon ElastiCache Redis instance costs. | 1 |
Amazon RDS Database Name | Name of the relational database. (Warning) A change to this field requires manual migration of the database. | ttn_lorawan |
Amazon RDS Instance Type | The instance type for the Amazon RDS database. | db.t3.small |
Amazon RDS Backup Retention Period | The retention period for daily Amazon RDS backups (days). (Warning) A change to this field requires manual migration of the database. | 7 |
Amazon RDS Postgres Version | PostgreSQL version for the Amazon RDS database. | 11.4 |
Enable Multi-AZ for Amazon RDS | If true, a failover instance is created in case the primary instance fails. Note that this doubles the Amazon RDS instance costs. | false |
LoRaWAN Network Server Settings
All of following parameters are optional.Parameter | Description | Default |
LoRaWAN JoinEUI Prefix | Prefix for the LoRaWAN JoinEUIs that are handled by this network. | 0000000000000000/0 |
LoRaWAN DevAddr Prefix | Prefix for the LoRaWAN DevAddrs that are handled by this network. | 00000000/7 |
LoRaWAN NetID | The LoRaWAN NetID that is assigned through LoRa Alliance membership. This is required if your network needs interoperability (e.g. roaming, peering, join flow) with other networks. If you do not have a NetID, please use 000000 or 000001. | 000000 |
AWS IoT settings
Parameter | Description | Default |
AWS IoT Telemetry | If set to true, publish all upstream messages to AWS IoT. | true |
Update From Existing Deployment
The following parameters are exclusively meant for updating an existing deployment.Parameter | Description |
Amazon RDS Snapshot | The ARN (Amazon Resource Name) of the Amazon RDS snapshot to restore the database from. |
Amazon ElastiCache Redis Snapshot | The name of the Redis snapshot to restore the database from. |
S3 Profile Pictures Bucket Name | The name of the S3 bucket for profile pictures. |
S3 End Device Pictures Bucket Name | The name of the S3 bucket for end device pictures. |
Step 3: Start the Deployment
- Once the parameters of The Things Stack are configured, click Next to configure options for the CloudFormation Stack. You may use the defaults in this page.
- Click Next review the deployment. Select the I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources. checkbox and click Create Stack option.
- If all the parameters were entered correctly, AWS CloudFormation triggers the creation of your CloudFormation stack. The stack is now in the
state. On average, this process takes about 40 minutes. - You can monitor the status of your deployment by navigating to CloudFormation > <your-stack-name> > Events.
- Once the required resources are successfully deployed, the state of the CloudFormation stack is updated to
Upon completion of these steps, please head over to the Post Deployment Configuration guide to configure your deployment.